Tarjih : Agribusiness Development Journal (TADJ) is officially registered in the Centre for Data and Scientific Documentation (PDDI), Indonesia Institute of Science with e-ISSN 2798 - 0782 (online), starting from 2021. Tarjih: Agribusiness Development Journal managed and published by Program Studi Agribisnis, Muhammadiyah Sinjai University, and would be published two times a year (June, and December). TADJ welcomes research articles or paper reviews from academics, educators, lecturers, trainers, and other practitioners on all aspects of agribusiness from around the world to publish high-quality papers. Editors will initially review all submitted manuscripts, which are evaluated by a minimum of two National and or International Reviewers through the blind review process. Papers for publication in this journal are selected through precise peer review to ensure quality, originality, appropriateness, significance, and readability.


The scopes of the Tarjih: Agribusiness Development Journal, receive original research articles and review articles from academics, researchers, and practitioners in the field of Agribusiness.
Agribusiness Studies for all aspects :

  • Agricultural Extension,
  • Human Resource Development Agriculture,
  • Field Managers in Agriculture,
  • Agricultural Researchers,
  • Marketing Managers in Agriculture,
  • Agricultural Policy,
  • Marketing and Banking Agricultural,
  • Agribusiness Entrepreneurship.


Please read these guidelines carefully.  Authors who want to submit their manuscript to the editorial office of Tarjih: Agribusiness Development Journal should follow the writing guidelines. If the manuscript submitted is not appropriate with the guidelines or written in a different format, it will BE REJECTED by the editors before further review. The editors will only accept manuscripts that meet the assigned format. 

Registration and login are required to submit items online and check the status of current submissions. 


1-2 Weeks 2-4 Weeks 4-12 Weeks




Tarjih: Agribusiness Development Journal managed and published by the Agribusiness Study Program, University of Muhammadiyah Sinjai, officially registered at the Center for Scientific Data and Documentation (PDDI), Indonesian Institute of Sciences with ISSN 2798-0782 (online). Starting in 2021. Tarjih: Agribusiness Development Journal will be published twice a year (June and December).


Vol. 4 No. 02 (2024): VOLUME 04, NOMOR 02, DESEMBER 2024

Published: 2024-12-30

Design a Strategic Program to Strengthen Beef Cattle Corporate Institutions

ST Rohani, Ahmad Ramadhan Siregar, Tanrigiling Rasyid, Muhammad Hatta, Pipi Diansari, Putra Astaman, Muhammad Darwis, Muhammad Erik Kurniawan, A. Della Riski Utama | Pages: 65 - 72

Marketing Strategy for Processed Coffee at Kahayya II Farmer Group in Kindang District, Bulukumba Regency

Rudy Immanuel Pundising, Ramli Ramli, Sri Endang Sukarsih, Junaidi Junaidi, Andi Nurul Amalia Ramadhani, Samaria Samaria | Pages: 73 - 81

Partnership Pattern in Bali Cattle Risk Management in Purification Cluster Area

Ahmad Ramadhan Siregar, Putra Astaman, Musran Munizu, Hastang, Muhammad Dassir, Aulia Nurul Hikmah, Muhammad Darwis | Pages: 89 - 95

Growth Rate of Beef Cattle to Supporting Livestock Agribusiness in South Sulawesi

Astati Astati, Amriana Hifizah, Anas Qurniawan | Pages: 96 - 105

Integrated Marketing Chain Pattern of Smallholder Rubber Commodities in The Southern Region of Papua Province, Indonesia

David Oscar Simatupang, Ludia T. Wambrauw, Riza Fachrizal, Silas Tanggu Redu , Abdul Rizal Riza , Akbar | Pages: 106 - 116

Analysis of Consumer Preferences in Purchasing Ambon Banana Fruit in the Tourism Area of Trawas Mojokerto

Khoirul Anam, Andini Ositiari, Ni Dewi Ambal Ikka, Dipa Aditya | Pages: 117 - 124

Natural Resource Capital for Sustainable Livelihoods in Social Forestry Areas: A Case Study from Enrekang Regency

Putra Astaman, Aulia Nurul Hikmah, Muhammad Dassir, St Nadirah | Pages: 197 - 208
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