Tata Kelola Pasar Datah Manuah di Kota Palangkaraya Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah

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Indah Kusuma Ningsih
Sadar Sadar
Bayu Suratmoko


This study aims to analyze the governance of Pasar Datah Manuah in Palangkaraya City, Central Kalimantan Province, focusing on the challenges and opportunities faced in the context of competition with modern markets. A qualitative research method was employed to explore the experiences and perspectives of traders and market managers. The findings indicate that market governance still faces various issues, including a lack of transparency, inadequate physical conditions, and the negative impact of modern markets that reduce traders' income. Although there have been efforts to improve management, such as facility revitalization, decisive actions from the government are still needed to support the sustainability of traditional markets. This research provides recommendations to enhance community participation and transparency in market management, as well as the importance of integrating traditional and modern markets to create a more balanced trading ecosystem. The novelty of this study lies in the in-depth understanding of the dynamics of traditional market management in the modern era, which is expected to serve as a reference for the development of more effective policies.


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How to Cite
Kusuma Ningsih, I., Sadar, S., & Suratmoko, B. (2024). Tata Kelola Pasar Datah Manuah di Kota Palangkaraya Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Journal of Government Insight, 4(2), 73–81. Retrieved from https://jurnal-umsi.ac.id/index.php/jgi/article/view/896


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