Author Guidelines
1. Create your ORCID ID at, download the ORCID tutorial here (ORCID Tutorial in Indonesia), (ORCID Tutorial in English)
2. Enter your ORCID ID into the registration form.
3. The authors shall submit only documents that have been thoroughly corrected and polished in Languange English
4. This work may not be used for publication, or a version of a paper previously published at the conference and / or journal.
5. All manuscripts must be submitted to the Tarjih: Agribusiness Development Journal Editing Office by Online Portal Portal Shipping at url: , Online Publications, where the author enrolls as an Author and / or available as Reviewer by online. If you have problems with online submission, please contact the Editorial Office at the following email:
6. The manuscript should be in accordance with the guidelines in the MS Word article template: (download)
7. Publicly quote where your work is based.
8. Quote only the items you have read and footnotes.
9. Avoid excessive self-citations.
10. Send publication publications that consume from the same area.
11. Check each reference against original source (author name, volume, issue, year, DOI Number).
12. Please use Application Reference Manager like EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc. (We are exactly Mendeley).
13. The following documents should be accompanied by manuscripts sent online via online submission (as a complementary file and a letter to the editor):
Letter of introduction, outlining the basic meaning of this paper and its meaning (author of the research roadmap, curriculum vitae, and competing interests) - (You can find in Steps One and Four of the Five Step Writers Process Delivery)
Two types of manuscripts accepted for publication: Original Research Articles and Review Articles.
Definition of data to share:
The "minimum dataset" can be defined from the data set used to combine with metadata and related methods, and the data needed to replicate the overall resulting findings. Include enough information for a researcher to understand the data, and any citations to the data from which the replication set is derived. The core descriptive data, methods, and study results should be incorporated into the main paper, regardless of the deposition data. Authors who have too large data sets to share via repositories or uploaded files must use Tarjih: Agribusiness Development Journal Suggestions. (Adapted from PLOS Data Policy)
Guidelines for sharing data derived from work involving human participants
The Tarjih: Agribusiness Development Journal recognizes that there are cases where privacy, national data privacy, and complete data confidentiality can not be used openly. In such cases, the researcher must complete data analysis under the most unlimited provisions with legal and research requirements. This should include data, data, metadata and code that are not sensitive; and withdraw access if the original data owner gives permission to use other data. (Adapted from OKF's Open Economics Principles)
Guide on Data Citation
If your research data is used at the same time as your script using the OJS article submission form, then Data Citation will be generated directly by Harvard Dataverse. However, if your research data already exists in the repository then here is the Data Citation format sent to you when you have your script:
Author (s), Year, Dataset Title, Global Persistent Identifier, Data Storage or Archive, version and subset.
[Jarak satu spasi tunggal, 10pt]
Abstract should be written in both Bahasa Indonesia and English using Times New Roman font, size 10 pt, italic, single spasing. Abstract is not a merger of several paragraphs, but it is a full and complete summary that describe content of the paper It should contain background, objective, methods, results, and conclusion from the research. It is should not contain any references nor display mathematical equations. It consists of one paragraph and should be no more than 250 words. It should be put at least three meaningful keywords at the end of abstract.
[Single space, 10 pt]
Keywords: between 3 - 5 keywords are written alphabetically [10 pt]
Tables and Figures
Tables and Figures should be prepared according to the American Psychological Association Publication Manual (7th ed.)
CONCLUSION [10pt, bold, left]
Contains conclusions formed in one paragraph. Conclusion Answers are answers to questions, and in sentences. Written as long as one paragraph in essay form, not in numeric form. If it is necessary to write suggestions or recommendations, they can be written in this one paragraph.
[One and a half spacing, 10 pt]
THANK YOU [10pt, bold, left]
Acknowledgments are only written if it is considered important to write such as related to funding sources, data access and mentoring. other parties who helped complete the writing of the paper.
[One and a half spacing, 10 pt]
REFERENCES [10pt, bold]
References in the text must be in the Bibliography and arranged alphabetically with the order of the author's (family) name, year, title of the article, name of the magazine, publisher and page. In the bibliography all names (family) of the author must be written in full and are not allowed to use et al. The bibliography should not include a library that is not referred to in the text. The proportion of primary library reference sources is expected to be more (>75%) than other reference sources. Primary reference sources are reference sources that directly refer to certain scientific fields, according to the research topic and have been tested. Primary reference sources can be in the form of: writings in scientific papers in accredited international and national journals, research results in dissertations, theses, and theses. Books (textbooks), are included in secondary reference sources. The number of reference sources in one article is at least nine sources with a minimum period of the last 10 years, especially research journals except textbooks. The bibliography writing format uses a Mendeley or Zotero reference application or a style with the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style and must include the DOI/URL of articles available by Fersi Online, such as the following example:
Journal Articles
Hadi, P. U., & Nuryanti, S. (2016). Impact of Protection Policy on Indonesian Sugar Economy. Journal of Agroeconomics, 23(1), 82.
Hendayana, R. (2003). Application of Location Quotient (LQ) Method in Determination of National Leading Commodities. Journal of Agricultural Informatics, 12(1), 1. file/rahmadi-12.pdf
Rizal. Taufik. (2012). The Influence of Islamic Banks on Corn Production in Jember, East Java. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Food Sovereignty (pp. 119-159). Jember: Agribusiness Study Program of Muhammadiyah Jember.
Purwanto, S. K. (2002). Impact of Domestic Policy and External Factors on World Trade in Vegetable Oil. Bogor Agricultural Institute.
Lindawati. (2015). Analysis of Factors Affecting Economic Behavior and Household Welfare of Integrated Rice-Cattle Farmers in West Java Province. Bogor Agricultural Institute. Retrieved from on…month…year…
Research Report
Sudaryanto, Y., Hadi, P. U., Susilowati, S. H., & Suryani, E. (2004). Analysis of Trade Policy and Prices of Agricultural Commodities. Bogor.
Supranto, J. (2004). Econometry. Second Book. Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia Publisher.
Budiharsono, S. (2001). Analysis of Coastal and Ocean Area Development Techniques. Jakarta: PT. Pradnya Paramita.
Articles Online
United States Department of Agriculture. (2012, March 10). Sugar and Sweeteners Yearbook. Retrieved from
Working Paper
Shirazi, N. S., Obaidullah, M., & Haneef, M. A. (2015). Integration of Waqf and Islamic Microfinance for Poverty Reduction: Case of Pakistan (IRTI Working Paper Series No. 1436–5). Jeddah. Retrieved from on the day......month......year........