Perencanaan Kawasan Baru Independent Core Region Tanassang Kecamatan Sinjai Utara
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Tanassang Neighborhood is an area in North Sinjai District which is directed for the development of the new Independent Core Region area because it has very good development potential and is supported by land conditions, accessibility, and utilities. The purpose of this study is to plan a new regional planning concept for the Independent Core region of the Tanassang Environment which is equipped with complementary components such as supporting facilities and infrastructure. The analytical method used is a qualitative descriptive approach by determining the location based on site selection criteria and using accessibility analysis techniques and site planning. Collecting data using literature, observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study show that the planning for a new area of the Tanassang Environment with its potential applies the Mixed Use Development concept which can be an alternative solution in meeting the needs of a new area that is independent because it is equipped with facilities and infrastructure to support activities.
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Tanassang Neighborhood is an area in North Sinjai District which is directed for the development of the new Independent Core Region area because it has very good development potential and is supported by land conditions, accessibility, and utilities. The purpose of this study is to plan a new regional planning concept for the Independent Core region of the Tanassang Environment which is equipped with complementary components such as supporting facilities and infrastructure. The analytical method used is a qualitative descriptive approach by determining the location based on site selection criteria and using accessibility analysis techniques and site planning. Collecting data using literature, observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study show that the planning for a new area of the Tanassang Environment with its potential applies the Mixed Use Development concept which can be an alternative solution in meeting the needs of a new area that is independent because it is equipped with facilities and infrastructure to support activities.