Publication Ethics
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Tarjih: Agribusiness Development Journal is a journal aims to be a leading peer-reviewed platform and an authoritative source of information. We publish original research papers, review articles and case studies focused on academics, analysts, practitioners, and those interested in providing literature on Agribusiness Studies in all aspects. Related scientific articles Agricultural Extension, Human Resource Development, Field Manager, Agricultural Researcher, Marketing Manager, Agricultural Policy, Marketing and Banking, Agribusiness entrepreneurship, nor is it under review for publication anywhere. This following statement clarifies ethical behavior of all parties involved in the act of publishing an article in this journal, including the author, the editor, the reviewer, and the publisher. This statement is based on COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.
Manuscript Title, Capital First Letter, 15 Words Maximum, Left Flat Layout
[14pt] (Single-spacing)
First Author1* , Second Author2
, dan Last Author2
[10 pt, Bold]
1Name of Faculty, Institution/University, City/District, Country
2Name of Faculty, Institution/University, City/District, Country
[Double-spaced, 10 pt]
[Single-spaced, 10 pt]
Abstract is written in one paragraph using English using Times New Roman font, size 10 pt, italic, single-spaced. The abstract is written in a concise manner by containing the background, research objectives, methods, results/findings, and conclusions, and policy implications/recommendations (if any). The abstract does not require citations (citation-references) and formulas and is no more than 250 words in total. The abstract ends with a minimum of 3 related keywords and a maximum of 5 words/phrases.
[Single-spaced, 10 pt]
Keywords: between 3 - 5 words (phrases) written alphabetically, separated by commas (,), and do not repeat words in the title for indexing. [10 pt]
[Single-spaced, 10 pt]
This writing guideline is made for the uniformity of writing format and convenience for authors in the process of publishing manuscripts in Tarjih: Agribusiness Development Journal (TADJ). Authors can use English language while still paying attention to the suitability of the applicable EYD, and standard English grammar. The manuscript is written in Times New Roman font and in A4 size paper format (210 mm x 297 mm) with a left margin of 3 cm, top, bottom and right borders of 2.5 cm each. The format of the manuscript is 1 (one) column (follow this template to make it easier to follow the writing format of the TADJ journal).
INTRODUCTION [10pt, bold,]
The introduction includes the background, relevance of the research to the theoretical studies (State of the Art) and previous scientific findings, problem formulation, research objectives, and hypotheses (if any). The formulation of the problem, research objectives, novelty, and State of the Art and previous scientific findings are written in the introduction, there is no need to write them in separate sub-chapters. Foreign terms are written in italics. Abbreviations must be written in full when mentioned for the first time, after which the shortened word can be written.
Examples of writing citations or quotations in article manuscripts (Hadi and Wijaya, 2015);
(Hadi, Sutiarso, Prayuginingsih, Santosa, Prawitasari, and Wijayanti, 2017). In subsequent quotations or citations simply write (Hadi et al, 2017).
(United States Department of Agriculture, 2012); (Gudjarati, 2007); dan Krisnamurti dan Wibowo (2015) on Hadi (2017). If there is an example of this last citation, then the Bibliography should read Hadi (2017) there is no need to write Krisnamurti and Wibowo (2015). Citation writing in accordance with American Psychological Association 6th Edition.
[One and a half spaces, 10 pt]
RESEARCH METHODS [10pt, bold,]
The research methods used must be written in accordance with scientific methods, namely rational, empirical, and systematic. The type and method of research, time and place of research, sampling, and data collection techniques, and data analysis should be clearly described including the formulation of hypotheses and decision criteria. If there is an analytical tool used that is not common or more specific including the calculation formulation, it should be described clearly and systematically. An example of the presentation of the formula and the description of the formula can be seen below:
Y = β0 + b1X1 + b2X2+ .... bnXn + ε.................................................................................................... (1)
Where Y is Entrepreneurial Intention, β0 is a constant, b1, b2 are regression coefficients, X1 is the need for achievement, X2 is self-efficacy and ε is the error term.
If there is a mathematical equation, it is placed symmetrically in the column. The equation number is placed on the far right in parentheses, and the numbering is done sequentially. If there is a series of equations that are more than one line, then the number is placed on the last line. The equations in the manuscript are shown in abbreviated form, such as Press. (1).
[Single-spaced, 10 pt]
………………………………. (2)
X2 = Chi-Square value
fo = observation frequency
fh = hope frequency
[Single-spaced, 10 pt]
Symbols are written clearly and consistently. The derivation of mathematical equations does not need to be written in detail, only the most important part, the method used and the final result.
[One and a half spaces, 10 pt]
Results and discussion contain the results of data analysis and in-depth discussion of the phenomena that occur at the research location relevant to the theme of the study. The results of the research should be compared with theories and or previous research findings relevant to the study. Results and discussion can contain data presented in tables and/or figures as well as a description of the discussion or review of the results of data analysis. Tables and figures are numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals and given a title. Tables are displayed without vertical lines, while horizontal lines are only displayed 3 to 4 main horizontal lines, namely 2 horizontal lines for column title items and 1 closing line for the bottom row and/or 1 line before the bottom (if needed). The font size for table contents is a maximum 10 pt without bold. The distance between the table title and the previous sentence is 1 space, between the table title and the table is ½ space, and between the table and the next sentence is 1 space. If the table has many or long columns, a one-column or full-page format can be used. Examples of table and figure presentation are as follows:
Table 1. Development of Productivity Value of Soybean Commodity in Indonesia in 2010-2016
Source: Seconder Data processed, 2017. [TNR_10pt]
[One and a half spaces, 10 pt]
Tables/figures are placed immediately after they are mentioned in the manuscript, tables/figures are placed at the top or bottom of each page and must not be enclosed in sentences. The size of the image is adjusted to the size of the column. If the image is large enough, a one-column format can be used. Figure numbering uses Arabic numerals. There is a space of 1 space between the picture and the title of the picture. Figure captions can be
presented with the title of the figure. The font size for the figure caption is 9 pt, while the figure title is 11 pt. Images that have been published by other authors must be mentioned in the caption.
[One and a half spaces, 10 pt]
Figure 1. Graph of BSR Value of Coffee Commodities in Indonesia 1999-2008 [9pt regular font] (Source, Year) [10pt regular font]
Figure 2. Emulsifying capacity of wader protein hydrolysates (WPH) at various enzyme concentration and hydrolysis [10pt regular font]
(Source, Year) [10pt regular font]
Figure 3. Title of Figure [9pt regular font] (Source: , Year) [9pt regular font]
[One and a half spaces, 10 pt]
CONCLUSION [10pt, bold, left]
Contains conclusions formed in one paragraph (not in the form of bullet points). The conclusion should be an answer to the research question, and not expressed in statistical terms. Written in one paragraph in essay form, not in numerical form. If it is necessary to write limitations and suggestions/recommendations, they can be written in this one paragraph.
[One and a half spaces, 10 pt]
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT [10pt, bold, left]
Acknowledgments are only written if it is considered important to write such as related to funding sources (with contract number, if any), data access and mentoring. other parties who help the completion of paper writing.
[One and a half spaces, 10 pt]
REFERENCES [10pt, bold,]
Literature citations in the text must be in the Bibliography and are arranged alphabetically in the order of the author's name (family), year, essay title, magazine name, publisher and page. In the Bibliography, all authors' names must be written in full and et al is not allowed. The Bibliography should not include literature that is not cited in the text. The proportion of primary reference sources is expected to be more (>80%) than other reference sources. Primary reference sources are reference sources that directly refer to certain scientific fields, according to the research topic and have been tested. Primary reference sources can be in the form of: writings in scientific papers in accredited international or national journals, research results in dissertations, theses, and theses. Books (textbooks) are included in secondary reference sources. The number of reference sources in one writing is at least fifteen (15) sources with a minimum period of the last 10 years, especially research journals except textbooks. The format of writing the Bibliography uses the Mendeley, EndNote, or Zotero reference application or the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style and must include the DOI/URL of the article which is available in the online version as shown below.
Journal Article
Hadi, P. U., & Nuryanti, S. (2016). The Impact of Protection Policy on Indonesia's Sugar Economy. Journal of Agroeconomics, 23(1), 82.
Hendayana, R. (2003). Application of Location Quotient (LQ) Method in Determining National Leading Commodities. Journal of Agricultural Informatics, 12(1), 1. file/rahmadi-12.pdf
Rizal. Taufik. (2012). The Effect of Islamic Banks on Corn Production in Jember, East Java. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Food Sovereignty (pp. 119-159). Jember: Agribusiness Study Program of Muhammadiyah Jember.
Purwanto, S. K. (2002). Impact of Domestic Policies and External Factors on World Trade in Vegetable Oils. Bogor Agricultural University.
Lindawati. (2015). Analysis of Factors Affecting Economic Behavior and Household Welfare of Rice-Cattle Integrated Farming Farmers in West Java Province. Bogor Agricultural University. Retrieved from on date...month...year...
Research Report
Sudaryanto, Y., Hadi, P. U., Susilowati, S. H., & Suryani, E. (2004). Analysis of Trade Policy and Agricultural Commodity Prices. Bogor.
Budiharsono, S. (2001). Coastal and Ocean Development Analysis Techniques. Jakarta: PT Pradnya Paramita.
Online Articles
United States Department of Agriculture. (2012, March 10). Sugar and Sweeteners Yearbook. Retrieved from
Working Paper
Shirazi, N. S., Obaidullah, M., & Haneef, M. A. (2015). Integration of Waqf and Islamic Microfinance for Poverty Reduction: The Case of Pakistan (IRTI Working Paper Series No. 1436-5). Jeddah. Retrieved from on date...... month...... year........
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