Pemanfaatan Limbah Ternak Sebagai Pupuk Organik untuk Mengurangi Penggunaan Pupuk Kimia di Desa Saohiring Kecamatan Sinjai Tengah
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The agricultural business that is carried out sometimes experiences problems because the fertilizer used is quite step and expensive in Saohiring Village, so it is necessary to provide counseling and training on the use of cattle waste, especially cow feces, to be used as solid organic fertilizer that can be used as fertilizer for plantation crops for farmers in Saohiring Village. This activity begins with the process of identifying the target area, namely the village of Saohiring, followed by direct observation and interviews with residents. The schedule for the implementation of the training program for making organic fertilizer from livestock manure is carried out with farmer group partners, arranged according to the proposed solution plan with program implementation. The results of the training activities for making organic fertilizers to realize environmentally friendly agriculture in Saohiring Village are based on the responses of participants as agricultural actors who are very interested in training materials according to the training objectives and methods. The positive impact obtained is in the form of increasing the level of community welfare because of the existence of farmer groups that use organic fertilizers that are able to provide a stimulus to local communities to make organic fertilizers from livestock waste, in addition to opening up new jobs, with these groups increasing the level of community income even though it is not become a permanent job but a side job but has a very large benefit principle, namely increasing the income of the people in Saohiring Village, Central Sinjai District, Sinjai Regency. The community service program has been right on target. Starting from a site survey, counseling and training on making organic fertilizer from cow feces. The training participants also had high enthusiasm to gain knowledge about the technology for processing cow manure into environmentally friendly organic fertilizer.
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