Author Guidelines
Pedoman Penulisan Tarjih Tropical Livestock Journal
Artikel yang dibuat berasal dari hasil penelitian di bidang peternakan yang telah dilakukan paling lama 10 tahun yang lalu dan belum pernah dipublikasikan. Jumlah halaman artikel maksimal 10.
Format Penulisan
- Naskah diketik pada microsoft word dengan ukuran paper A4
- Menggunakan jenis huruf Times New Roman dengan ukuran huruf 12 kecuali abstrak dan judul naskah
- Baris kalimat menggunakan jarak spasi 1
Sistematika Penulisan
1. Judul
Judul naskah ditebalkan (Bold) menggunkakan huruf kapital pada awal kata kecuali akat hubung serta menggunakan ukuran huruf 14
2. Identitas Penulis
Nama penulis dicantumkan pada baris pertama secara lengkap tanpa disingkat dan tanpa menyebutkan gelar. Nomor keterangan diketik pada superskrip nama penulis, keterangan diketik pada baris berikutnya dengan mencantumkan nama program studi/unit kerja dan instansi asal. Nama penulis sebagai correspondence author dilengkapi dengan alamat e-mail.
3. Abstrak
Naskah yang berbahasa Indonesia harus mencantumkan abstrak berbahasa Indonesia dan berbahasa Inggris yang terdiri dari satu paragraf dengan jumlah kata maksimal 250. Abstrak merangkum tujuan, metode, hasil dan kesimpulan penelitian. Abstrak dilengkapi dengan 3-5 kata kunci.
4. Pendahuluan
Pendahuluan terdiri dari latar belakang dan tujuan penelitian. Sebaiknya memuat hasil-hasil penelitian mutakhir yang mendukung pelaksanaan penelitian.
5. Metode
Metode terdiri dari prosedur penelitian, rancangan penelitian dan analisis data yang dibuat secara ringkas dan jelas.
6. Hasil dan Pembahasan
Hasil dan Pembahasan disatukan (tidak dipisah dengan sub bab). Hasil penelitian dapat berupa tabel, grafik, maupun gambar. Pembahasan merupakan penafsiran dari hasil penelitian yang didukung oleh penelitian ataupun teori yang berlaku.
7. Kesimpulan
Kesimpulan berisi uraian singkat mengenai jawaban tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian.
8. Ucapan Terima Kasih (Opsional)
Ucapan terima kasih dapat dituliskan bagi lembaga atau pihak yang membantu proses penelitian.
9. Daftar Pustaka
Referensi penelitian sebaiknya 50% berasal dari jurnal dan tidak menggunakan anonim (tanpa nama). Penulisan daftar pustaka menggunakan APA style (American Psychological Association).
a. Jurnal
Nama Penulis. (Tahun terbit). Judul artikel. Nama Jurnal, Volume (edisi), halaman
Kurniawan, M.E., & Khaeruddin, K. (2019). Aspek social dan ekonomi peternak penerima program pengembangan usaha agribisnis perdesaan (PUAP) di Kabupaten Sinjai Sulawesi Selatan. Agrominansia, 10 (2), 166-169.
b. Seminar/Konferensi
Nama Penulis. (Tahun terbit). Judul artikel. Nama Publikasi/Nama Pertemuan Ilmiah/Keduanya. Volume. Waktu Pertemuan, Kota Tempat Pertemuan, Nama Negara. Tempat Terbit: Penerbit.
Faridah, R., Mangalisu, A., & Maruddin, F. (2020). Antioxidant effectiveness and pH value of red dragon fruit skin powder (Hylocereus polyrhizus) on pasteurized milk with different storage times. IOP Conferences Series: Earth and Environmental Science, The 2nd International Conference of Animal Science and Technology (ICAST). Vol. 492. 5-6 November 2019, Makassar, Indonesia. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/492/1/012051
c. Buku
Nama Penulis. (Tahun terbit). Judul Buku. Tempat terbit: Nama Penerbit.
Abustam, E. (2012). Ilmu Daging. Makassar: Masagena Press.
Buku dengan editor:
Nama penulis. (Tahun terbit). Judul bab. Di dalam: Nama Editor, editor. Judul Buku. Edisi. Tempat terbit: Nama Penerbit.
Aire, T.A. (2007). Spermatogenesis and testicular system cycles. Di dalam: Jamieson, B.G.M., editor. Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Birds. 6A ed. USA: Science Publishers.
Author Guidelines
The articles made are derived from the results of research in the field of animal husbandry that have been carried out at most 10 years ago and have never been published. The maximum number of article pages is 10.
Writing Format
- Manuscripts are typed in Microsoft Word with A4 size paper
- Use the Times New Roman font with a font size of 12 except for the abstract and the title of the manuscript
- Sentence lines using 1 spacing
Writing Systematics
The title of the manuscript is in bold (Bold) using a capital letter at the beginning of the word except for hyphens and using a font size of 14
1. Author Identity
The author's name is listed on the first line in full without abbreviations and without mentioning the title. The information number is typed in the superscript of the author's name, the information is typed on the next line by including the name of the study program/work unit and the institution of origin. The author's name as correspondence author is accompanied by an e-mail address.
2. Abstract
Manuscripts in Indonesian must include an abstract in Indonesian and in English, consisting of one paragraph with a maximum number of 250 words. The abstract summarizes the objectives, methods, results and conclusions of the study. Abstract is equipped with 3-5 keywords.
3. Introduction
Introduction consists of background and research objectives. It is advisable to include the latest research results that support the implementation of the research.
4. Method
The method consists of research procedures, research designs and data analysis that is made concisely and clearly.
5. Results and Discussion
Results and Discussion are combined (not separated from sub-chapters). Research results can be in the form of tables, graphs, or pictures. The discussion is an interpretation of the research results supported by applicable research or theory.
6. Conclusion
The conclusion contains a brief description of the answers to the objectives to be achieved in the research.
7. Acknowledgments (Optional)
Acknowledgments can be written for institutions or parties who assist the research process.
8. References
Research references should be 50% from journals and not anonymous. Writing bibliography using APA style (American Psychological Association).
a. Journal
Author's name. (Publication Year). Article title. Journal Name, Volume (edition), pages
Khaeruddin, K., Junaedi, J., & Hastuti, H. (2020). Cryopreservation of Indonesian native chicken semen by using dimethyl sulfoxide and various level of ethylene glycol as cryoprotectants. Biodiversitas, 21(12), 5718-5722.
b. Seminar/Conference
Author's name. (Publication Year). Article title. Name of Publication/Name of Scientific Meeting/Both. Volume. Meeting Time, Meeting Place City, Country Name. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Faridah, R., Mangalisu, A., & Maruddin, F. (2020). Antioxidant effectiveness and pH value of red dragon fruit skin powder (Hylocereus polyrhizus) on pasteurized milk with different storage times. IOP Conferences Series: Earth and Environmental Science, The 2nd International Conference of Animal Science and Technology (ICAST). Vol. 492. 5-6 November 2019, Makassar, Indonesia. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/492/1/012051
c. Book
Author's name. (Publication Year). Book title. Place of publication: Name of Publisher.
Gordon, I. (2005). Reproductive Technologies in Farm Animals. Wallingford: CABI Publishing.
Books with editors:
Author's name. (Publication Year). Chapter title. In: Editor's name, editor. Book title. Edition. Place of publication: Name of Publisher.
Aire, T.A. (2007). Spermatogenesis and testicular system cycles. In: Jamieson, B.G.M., editor. Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Birds. 6A ed. USA: Science Publishers.