Analysis of Consumer Preferences in Purchasing Ambon Banana Fruit in the Tourism Area of Trawas Mojokerto

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Khoirul Anam
Andini Ositiari
Ni Dewi Ambal Ikka
Dipa Aditya


Bananas are a significant horticultural commodity in Indonesia with high socio-economic value. This study aims to identify the attributes consumers prefer when purchasing Ambon Bananas in the Trawas District's tourist area and determine which attributes consumers must consider. The research employs a descriptive method using observation, interviews, questionnaires, and purposive sampling for the location in Belik Village, Trawas District, Mojokerto Regency. The study involved 91 consumers who bought Ambon bananas, and the sampling technique used was accidental sampling. Primary and secondary data sources were utilized, and data analysis was conducted using Chi-Square and Fishbein multi-attribute analysis. The findings from Chi-Square and Fishbein analysis show that: 1. The consumer preference attribute is fruit freshness, with a Chi-Square value of 98.00, where the "fresh" attribute (62.87) was preferred over the "not too fresh" and "ordinary" attributes. 2. The Fishbein multi-attribute analysis ranked the attributes as follows: (I) fruit freshness (18.88), (II) fruit price (17.88), (III) fruit maturity (17.83), and (IV) number of fruit per bunch (15.42). These results suggest that consumers prioritize freshness, price, maturity, and the number of fruits when purchasing Ambon bananas in the tourist area of Trawas District.‎

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How to Cite
Anam, K., Ositiari, A., Ikka, N. D. A., & Aditya, D. (2024). Analysis of Consumer Preferences in Purchasing Ambon Banana Fruit in the Tourism Area of Trawas Mojokerto. Tarjih : Agribusiness Development Journal, 4(02), 117–124.


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